As a courtesy to ABA due-paying members, and to encourage the promotion of the Beefalo breed, the following marketing materials are free of charge and ready to print!
The file types available are designed to be acceptable to all printers, both online and local. Simply take the files in on a flash drive, or upload to an online printing platform as a 'complete design', and you are ready to print your very own!
This 'overview' type brochure gives insight to the Beefalo breed and its benefits. Topics briefly include: breed history, nutrient testing, producer benefits, cooking information, ABA contact info, etc.
To promote your farm: Simply attach/staple your farm's business card to the flyer so that perspective customers will know how to reach you.
MAC Computer Users - When file opens on webpage, click 'File' drop down from control menu (Safari/Google Chrome) and select Save As. It will save the file in the location you designate, and will be ready for use.
Windows Computer Users - When file opens on webpage, RIGHT click mouse and on popup menu select Save As or Save Image. It will save the file in the location you designate, and will be ready for use.
* PDF file may appear to have 'phantom' white lines. This is an on screen glitch that WILL NOT appear on printed materials.
RED - Will see first ( when closed ). YELLOW - Will see upon opening first flap. BLUE - Will see only when opened flat.
Because this is a trifold, it will be two sided. After being folded the brochure will have an outer front and back (red), will be opened to the next two pages (yellow) and then fully unfolded to show [the inside L (yellow) and] inner middle/inner right (blue). To fold it in this fashion you will first fold the inner pages (blue) into/facing one another [you will see the inside R (yellow) facing you when finished]. Then you will fold the line between the front and back (red). This will create the trifold - simply put your business card inside and you are ready to promote Beefalo!
For ordering prints online, download the file type specified by your printing company and save to your computer or a flash drive. Make sure your online printing company offers tri-fold brochures [8.5"x11",Color, Front/Back] and select that as your product. Then use the platform to upload the 'complete' design using one of the files available above. Adjust the image so that none of the words are outside the 'safe zone' or 'bleed' - if they are they maybe cut off or not printed. Call customer service for help if you run into any problems. If the option is available select a paper type you like - the larger the number or lb. the thicker/sturdier the paper.
The brochure is designed with a .25 safe zone on all panels, it is made to print on an 8.5"X 11" sheet of paper but is designed as a 9"X11.5" for a extra safety when printing.
While some businesses, such as Office Depot for example, may be able to print directly from the ABA website via direct file download if you provide them with the ABA member password allowing access to this page - it is not a recommended practice (best only if you are very uncomfortable with computers). Instead it is recommended that you use a flash drive to download the file types from this page and take them to the printer yourself. He/She will choose the file type needed after you tell them you need a front and back, color, 8.5"X11" Trifold Brochure. You maybe ask what weight of paper you would like - if you want a 'regular' paper like you would use in your home/office printer select something like "20 lb. bond” or “50 lb. uncoated text.” If you would like a more sturdy paper choose a paper with a larger # or lb.
The brochure is designed with a .25 safe zone on all panels, it is made to print on an 8.5"X 11" sheet of paper but is designed as a 9"X11.5" for a extra safety when printing.