This page includes important documents, applications, etc. that will help you make the most of your membership and advance your herd. The following are available on this page, scroll down to view:


  • Fee Schedule Worksheet | Submission Types: Printable/Mailable

  • Meat Registry Application | Submission Types: Digital + Printable/Mailable

  • Herd Book Registry DNA Application | Submission Types: Digital + Printable/Mailable

  • Application for Transfer | Submission Types: Digital + Printable/Mailable

  • Evelyn Garrett Scholarship | Submission Types: Digital


  • Rules of Registry | Readable As: Online + PDF Download

  • Bylaws | Readable As : PDF Download





Registrations and Transfers are considered separate transactions even if completed on the same day or on the same form.
If you had been previously registering and transferring an animal in the same transaction and only providing payment for the registration, we apologize you were not billed correctly. Going forward please submit payments for registrations and transfers as these are separate transactions.

Members: $36 registration and $24 transfer = $60 total
Non Members: $72 registration and $48 transfer = $120 total

When completing a Registration and a Transfer at the same time, you are required to fill out BOTH FORMS.

REQUIRED: Submitting a Fee Schedule Worksheet is required when sending your completed forms and/or check by mail.(Downloadable file below)


Fee Schedule Worksheet Download

This file will help you to tally up what is owed for registration so that you can minimize repetitive payment processing OR the number of checks you need to mail to the office.
(Please enclose with check in envelope if mailing.)

REQUIRED: This file is required to be submitted when sending your completed forms and/or check by mail.

Please open the Editable PDF in PDF or Adobe Reader. You may then fill it in and then download onto your computer and attach to an email to Operations or download and print.

Meat Registration Application

This form is for members who have the sire and dam information, and want to register the calf for registered ABA beefalo meat status. 

When submitting by mail please also include the Fee Schedule Worksheet form (listed above)

Please allow 4 weeks for processing.

  • If the sire/Bull is less than 34% Bison you MUST have a Beefalo Dam and list her Registration number and Name.

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Herd Book DNA Registry Application

This application form asks members for all breeding information for a herd animal. A transfer must be filled out when animal sold if purchaser wants to keep as a nationally registered animal.

Registrations and Transfers are considered separate transactions even if completed on the same day or on the same form.

If you had been previously registering and transferring an animal in the same transaction and only providing payment for registration, we apologize you were not billed correctly. Going forward please submit payments for registrations and transfers as these are separate transactions.

Members: $36 registration and $24 transfer = $60 total
Non Members: $72 registration and $48 transfer = $120 total

When completing a Registration and a Transfer at the same time, you are required to fill out BOTH FORMS.

When submitting by mail please also include the Fee Schedule Worksheet form (listed above)

Please allow 4 weeks for processing.

When filling in the transfer section please include the Buyer’s phone number and Membership number(if applicable).

Please open the Editable PDF in PDF or Adobe Reader. You may then fill it in and then download onto your computer and attach to an email to Operations or download and print.

Application for Transfer

Use this form when transferring animals to new ownership. 

When submitting by mail please also include the Fee Schedule Worksheet form (listed above)

Please allow 4 weeks for processing

Pay for Transfer

Evelyn Garrett Scholarship

Since 2009 ABA has recognized E. Garrett's 30+ years of service to the beefalo breed by annually awarding $200 to selected student(s) to inspire and encourage students to pursue agricultural and animal husbandry education. This opportunity is open to the children, grandchildren and great grandchildren of ABA members who are within 6 months of high school graduation or are currently enrolled in secondary education or technical training for agriculture, animal husbandry, or food science.



ABA Bylaws

Accepted by the organization in 2008, these bylaws are the "rules" of which the organization runs, expected member conduct, etc. Membership status details are available here, as well as meeting, election, terms, officer roles, appeals, committees, purpose, chapter rules and more.


Rules of Registry

These are guidelines and regulations by which ABA determines animal registration.