NOTE: Please only hit submit once per animal. THANK YOU!


Sire - Give registration number of sire. If a group of sires are used, list registration number on all of them. Sires must be purebred or fullblood Beefalo when using this form. If precentage Beefalo sires or dams are used, please use regular meat application form. 

Exposure date(s) - list dates of exposed to bulls.

Sire or sires - List sires bloodtyping case numbers if known. Sires must be bloodtyped or available for bloodtyping if requested by the USDA.

Bloodtyping case numbers - or ABI

Sex - list sex of animals

Month & year calved - List month and year animals were calved.

Breed of dam - List breed of dam(s). 

Groups of animals may be registered when they are born in the same month and year, exposed to the same sire(s) and have the same breed of dams.

Owner - the first owner of an animal must be the person who registers the animal. If animals are being transferred, the owner fills in the transfer section on the packing certificate and give it and the metal ear tag to the new owner. Certificates may be transferred twice.

Breeder - If breeder is different than owner applicant a statement giving breeding information must be attached.

Registration Fee - Registration fees are $10.00 per animal MEMBER RATE, $25.00 per animal NON MEMBER RATE.